
Experts evaluate Ukraine’s fighting style in the counterattack campaign

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(Dan Tri) – International analysts say that Ukraine was right to abandon plans consulted by the West to use large brigades to directly attack Russia’s defense system.

Ukrainian soldiers on an armored vehicle (Photo: New York Times).

According to experts, Ukraine has successfully divided its forces into small units to deal with the Russian army and their solid defense line.

`Ukrainian forces have done what a successful army does, which is to say they have adapted and are moving forward,` Ms. Bugayova said. `Ukraine saw Russia’s actual defense capabilities much faster than the thinkers.

A US veteran training Ukrainian soldiers, nicknamed Jackie, also commented: `If American doctrine is used here, they will definitely go through a bad time.`

He explained: `We don’t even have a clear doctrine on the use of small drones at this time. Ukraine is quite advanced in that regard. The Ukrainians are much ahead of us.`

Ukraine repeatedly thanked its Western allies for their support and training, but also said it had to adapt that training so its soldiers could survive and win on the battlefield.

Mr. Jackie also opposed the idea that Ukraine should strictly follow the training program according to NATO standards.

Earlier this summer, Ukraine launched a counterattack to penetrate Russia’s fortified defense system in Eastern and Southern Ukraine.

The New York Times reported at that time that the Western tactic was to attack Russian positions in large groups of soldiers using complex operations.

Ms. Bugayova wrote in a separate assessment in July that NATO’s approach was flawed.

`The large-scale mechanized attacks that NATO trains Ukraine’s counter-offensive troops on are extremely difficult and are not the only option Kiev’s forces have.`

On the contrary, some Western military analysts at that time believed that Ukraine was wrong to return to the old way of fighting and that it could make the conflict last longer.

Recently, however, Ukraine has begun to make small gains by returning to tried-and-true tactics.

`Ukraine’s ingenuity is paying off. Ukraine continues to regain its territory and people. They are gradually penetrating Russia’s formidable defenses while Russian forces cannot

Even so, other analysts are skeptical that Ukraine’s counteroffensive can yield decisive results this year.

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